Craddock Estates Privacy Policy

Craddock Estates treat the privacy and protection of personal data with the utmost seriousness. Our privacy statement sets out the data protection practices currently in place at Craddock Estates. Craddock Estates fully endorse and adhere to the principles of the EU Data Protection legislation. Specifically, we will:
– Obtain and process information fairly.
– Keep information only for specified, lawful purposes.
– Use and disclose information only in ways compatible with these purposes.
– Keep information safe and secure.
– Keep information accurate, complete and up to date.
– Ensure that information is adequate, relevant and not excessive.
– Retain information for no longer than is necessary for the specified purpose or purposes.
– Give a copy of personal data to the individual from whom it was taken on written request.

The main reasons why Craddock Estates collect you personal information include, but are not limited to:
– Confirming your details
– Emailing you
– Respond to your customer-service enquiries or requests
– Communicate information to you
– To understand your needs and preferences, so we can better serve our customers
– To meet legal and regulatory requirements.

When you contact us (telephone, e-mail, online enquiry etc) you may provide us with certain information about yourself (personally identifiable information) so we are able to provide you with a particular service. Such information may include but is not limited to details such as your name, your email address, your telephone number, your mobile number, your address and other information that will assist us in facilitating your requirements. Craddock Estates can store further information, but such information is only collected with the permission given by the customer.

We do not collect sensitive personal information, such as race, religion, or political affiliations.

We do not share your information with any third-party. Your data does not leave the EU.

By completing, opting in or submitting an online / email or phone enquiry, you give your explicit consent to Craddock Estates to use and process the Personal Data you provided for the purposes outlined above.
It’s important to note we do not, under any circumstances, share your customer data which is private to you and governed by your Privacy policy.

We never share Personal Data with Third Parties for the purposes of allowing them to market products and services to you notwithstanding the provisions stipulated in this document.

We may need to disclose personal information if required by subpoenas, court orders, or other legal processes, or law enforcement agencies or other third party agencies, companies and organisations in connection with any legal investigation to help prevent unlawful activity, to protect our property, safety, or to establish or exercise our legal rights, and those of our visitors, clients, or others (including for the purposes of fraud protection) or to such entities in order to comply with any legal obligations.

Included in GDPR is a sub-clause (GDPR Article 17) on the Right to Be Forgotten (RTBF), which allows individuals to request that any records held on them by a company are permanently deleted under a number of circumstances. These circumstances include when the data is no longer relevant to the purposes of collection, when consent is withdrawn and there is no other legal ground for processing, or when the data has been unlawfully processed, among other things.

We have a lawful basis to collect, use and share data about you. You have choices about our use of your data. At any time, you can withdraw consent you have provided by going to settings.

We will only collect and process personal data about you where we have lawful basis. Lawful basis include consent (where you have given consent), contract (where processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with you.

Where we rely on your consent to process personal data, you have the right to withdraw or decline your consent at any time and where we rely on legitimate interests, you have the right to object.

Under EU GDPR you can restrict how your personal information is used.

Craddock Estates uses storage providers where we have validated that they are secure, EU based and where necessary ISO27001 compliant.

Craddock Estates operates a clean desk policy and all employees receive appropriate training in relation to physical data storage (paper, files etc) best practice.

Physical hardware (including files, safes and laptops etc) is secured using the appropriate access controls including encryption, password protection, automatic screen-locks, alarms etc. Disposal of data is strictly controlled for both paper based data and electronic data.

Employees are not permitted to use their own personal devices for accessing or storing customer data.

All Craddock Estates staff ensure that callers to the office or other unauthorised persons are unable to view personal or sensitive information whether held on paper documents or displayed on PC monitors.

Craddock Estates retain your data as long as you are a customer for the purpose of carrying out business with you.

When you are no longer a customer, we remove all records within 6 months outside of any record required for accounting audit purposes and the details of any communications or consent given. Contact details for customers are retained on file indefinitely in order to comply with requirements of statutory bodies.

Once you opt-out or exercise the right to be forgotten, your data is removed outside of any communications consent.

In all cases we endeavour not to hold your sensitive personal data longer than is absolutely necessary.

Some data, however, must be retained in order to protect the company’s interests, preserve evidence, and generally conform to good business practices. eg Litigation and / or Accident investigation involving staff or customers, Pay, taxation and related personnel service records should be retained indefinitely, Specific Regulatory requirements, Intellectual property preservation, Tax and Accounting records – at least 6 years.

At Craddock Estates, we take your rights seriously. We will respond to any enquiries from you in relation to your Personal Data, how we process and protect that data with an appropriate level of seriousness and diligence.

To help you, we have summarized below three of the rights the European regulation (EU) 2016/679 – GDPR, provides you in relation to your Personal Data:

The Right of access by the data subject: Ask us what Personal Data we hold and for what purpose.

The Right of Rectification and erasure: Tell us what is incorrect, and we will update your Personal Data. You want us to delete your Personal Data, no problem, let us know.

The Right to restriction of processing: Just tell us what we are doing that makes you uncomfortable.

To exercise your rights or to make any comments or enquiries, contact us at

Cookies are short text files stored on a user’s device (such as a computer, tablet or phone) by a website. Cookies are used for the technical functioning of a website or for gathering statistics. Cookies are also typically used to provide a more personalised experience for a user for example, when an online service remembers your user profile without you having to login.

When you visit our website, we may collect some data on your browsing experience such as your IP address, the page you visited, when you visited and the website page you were redirected from.  Find out more here.

This information is used to gather aggregated and anonymous statistics with a view to improving our services and to enhance your user experience.

Selling for Free!
There are times when a set of circumstances are so heart rending that the only option is to offer our services for free. Every case is considered on its merits and we try not to make a habit of it but helping others without expectation of financial reward makes everyone feel good about themselves If you are involved with a charitable institution and need some property advice we would be delighted to find time to sit down with you and discuss your options. Our fees range from 2% to Zero, depending on the circumstances, but it costs absolutely nothing to talk to us.